Top Frequently Asked Questions and their Answers.

Below you will find answers to the questions we get asked the most about Almiqias.

Yes, of course, when registering on Almiqias you can do any quiz you want with the questions you want and the answers you want and control all of your quizzes such as: adding scores - displaying the results of any quiz- hiding the quiz- preventing the results from appearing to visitors - preventing the result from appearing after completing the answer to the quiz.. In addition to many advantages.

Yes, it is possible, but only for members registered in Almiqias through the member control panel so that you can delete all results or specific results and this does not apply on the pre made quizzes on Almiqias .

Yes, it is possible to delete or hide any quiz, but only that can be done in the quizzes that are created by the members registered in Almiqias through the member's control panel.

There are ready-made quizzes displayed on Almiqias and you do not have to register to do these quizzes . You can create any quiz and share it with whoever you want.

You can make your own quiz and put the questions you want after registering on Almiqias by entering your email "your e-mail" and after registration you will have your own page to do the quiz you want with the ability to amend your quizzes at any time in addition to the ability to hide any quiz you want and add scores The way that suits you with the ability to view the results of each quiz and control the display or hide the results for visitors.